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Showing posts from May, 2019

How i can keep my tooth always white ?

How I can keep my tooth always white ? The teeth always stay with us throughout life, we should always take care of them. If we not take care them, their whiteness get slowly diminishes. Excess eat of junk food and acidic foods such as wine, soda, sports drink etc. Can decrease  the brightness of the tooth and the stains also begin to appear on them.  Excessive consumption of tobacco and alcohol can damage tooth, may also reduce their shine. If you want to always smile freely and have a white smile, then you have to maintain distance from all these things. Here are some tips for keep always tooth white. If you follow these tips you can always keep your tooth healthy and white. Use of Chewing gum-  Sugarless chewing gum protects the teeth, its use keeps the tooth healthy. This happens because the saliva continues to roam throughout the mouth. Due to this, acids and bacteria deposited in the mouth are exited. Saliva contains calciu...

Does the excess use of smart phones affect sleep?

Does the excess use of smart phones affect sleep? One study found that limited use of smartphone, tablets and computers in the evening could reduce sleep problems in adolescents. It can also be cured of fatigue, lack of concentration and bad mood. According to researchers, adolescents who spend more than 4 hours on smartphones  those sleep 30 minutes later than average. In a recent study, it has been proved that excess use of blue light generating devices can affect brain's clock and sleep-related hormone melatonin secretion. The result is the time of sleeping get distured. Due to lack of sleep, there is not only fatigue but lack in concentration also. A researcher of  the Amsterdam UMC hospital in the Netherlands said, Children age  of adolescents are spending more time on the screen device. They should not do this. The smartphone is for knowledge and entertainment only, it should not be used all day. Teenagers should play more physi...

Don't be so lazy.It can produce blood clotting

Don't be so lazy.It can produce blood clotting  Comfortable lifestyle and fatty food not only lead to heart disease but also the risk of D.V.T. i.e. deep vein thrombosis is  also increasing.Too much laziness is not good for your  health it can produce many dangerous disease that can kill you . What is D.V.T ? -  DVT(Deep vein thrombosis) is a disorder, where the individual suffers from a blood clot in deep veins residing in the body.This condition is serious because blood clots can loosen and lodge in the lungs.In young people, the possibility of D.V.T. is very low, with age up to 40, illness usually occurs. Why laziness lead to D.V.T. ? -    most of people do not do physical activity today. They also get lazy to walking and want to rest all time.This can be one reason except this eating junk food , taking alcohol,smoking etc can be another reason.Due to this the youth and children are getting into it's captivity. Effect of D.V.T...

Do you eat your food slowly or fast ?

       Awesome fact of awesome world     Do you eat your food slowly or fast ? some people eat their food fastly then they realise that their weight is result they start gym and they spend a lot of money in gym but the awesome fact is that when you eat your food slowly it makes lose your weight.

Smartphone's games will find out Alzheimer's

    Smartphone's games will find out                                       Alzheimer's Playing a game on a smartphone is not just a matter of entertainment.It can also detect disease. University of east Anglia (UEA) and the university of collage London together with deutsche telekom developed a special game called 'sea hero quest '.UEA's professor said, 'by year 2050 13.5 million people worldwide will be victims of Alzheimer's.As time there is need to find out disease and save people. What is Alzheimer's or Dementia- Alzheimer's or Dementia is a disease that affects the brain and makes some people become more and more confused as they get older.It is caused in those people who are more than 65 year older.